Saturday, January 20, 2024

Adonai unto you all in the Emerging Kingdom

Adonai unto you all as you listen to this prayer. Open thine heart and allow now for the Omnipresent Omnipotence of Love .. the Majesty of His Love .. to touch you deeply. Open in childlike awe and wonder at all Life .. Infinite and Glorious...Hold this Idea in mind...childlike .. awe .. wonder .. absolute humility and gratitude...Give all honor to the One God who is Alive and Well and Everywhere present. Humble thine hearts .. let thine heart bow down unto the infinite Generosity of His Presence.  Bow down beloved child .. bow to His Unfathomable Mystery of Life

The One Precious Life within you and all around you in everyone and everything.Let thine vision expand and grow that ye shall see and know and partake of His Grace and Glory Oh Heavenly Source and Center, we honor You and align with your Glory He cometh now descending upon us all beloveds drink of his Indescribable Bliss…

Michael Of Nebadon

21st Century Conclave of God's Glory

Monday, October 9, 2023

Truth is the Way

Truth is the doorway to eternity, and truthfulness is the key to open wide that door .. to enter therein.

Truth brings stabilization and security to the individual personality by eliciting the great powers from the beyond.

Truth awakens moral conscience and stirs upward the ennoblement of character righteousness. 

Truth is the unwavering reality of Life and Spirit. It affords the individual with the constructive igniting of potentialities brought to God actualization. 

Truth cannot be defined with words, only by living. Truth is always more than knowledge. 

Knowledge pertains to things observed, but truth transcends such purely material levels in that it consorts with wisdom and embraces such imponderables as human experience, even spiritual and living realities. 

Knowledge originates in science; wisdom, in true philosophy; truth, in the religious experience of spiritual living. 

Knowledge deals with facts; wisdom, with relationships; truth, with reality values.

Michael Of Nebadon 
Urantia Gita

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Universal Injunction of Love

The enlightened worlds all recognize and worship the Universal Father, the eternal maker and infinite upholder of all creation. 

The will creatures of universe upon universe have embarked upon the long, long Paradise journey, the fascinating struggle of the eternal adventure of attaining God the Father. 

The transcendent goal of the children of time is to find the eternal God, to comprehend the divine nature, to recognize the Universal Father. 

God-knowing creatures have only one supreme ambition, just one consuming desire, and that is to become, as they are in their spheres, like him as he is in his Paradise perfection of personality and in his universal sphere of righteous supremacy. 

From the Universal Father who inhabits eternity there has gone forth the supreme mandate, “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.” 

In love and mercy the messengers of Paradise have carried this divine exhortation down through the ages and out through the universes, even to such lowly animal-origin creatures as the human races of Urantia.

This magnificent and universal injunction to strive for the attainment of the perfection of divinity is the first duty, and should be the highest ambition, of all the struggling creature creation of the God of perfection. 

This possibility of the attainment of divine perfection is the final and certain destiny of all man’s eternal spiritual progress.

The Planetary Urantia

Saturday, July 8, 2023

The Spiritual Fruits of Everlasting Life

The Ten Foundational Fruits of the Spirit-led Life

Spiritual development depends, first, on the maintenance of a living spiritual connection with true spiritual forces and, second, on the continuous bearing of spiritual fruit: yielding the ministry to one’s fellows of that which has been received from one’s spiritual benefactors.

Spiritual progress is predicated on intellectual recognition of spiritual poverty coupled with the self-consciousness of perfection-hunger, the desire to know God and be like him, the wholehearted purpose to do the will of the Father in heaven.

"Eternal Life is the endless quest for the values of Infinity."

Spiritual Growth within our Universe Association brings great inner changes carrying you closer to the eternal God.

Spiritual development depends, first, on the maintenance of a living spiritual connection with true spiritual forces and, second, on the continuous bearing of spiritual fruit: yielding the ministry to one’s fellows of that which has been received from one’s spiritual benefactors.

Spiritual progress is predicated on intellectual recognition of spiritual poverty coupled with the self-consciousness of perfection-hunger, the desire to know God and be like him, the wholehearted purpose to do the will of the Father in heaven.

Spiritual growth is first an awakening to needs, next a discernment of meanings, and then a discovery of values. The evidence of true spiritual development consists in the exhibition of a human personality motivated by love, activated by unselfish ministry, and dominated by the wholehearted worship of the perfection ideals of divinity.

And this entire experience constitutes the reality of religion as contrasted with mere theological beliefs.

Religion can progress to that level of experience whereon it becomes an enlightened and wise technique of spiritual reaction to the universe. Such a glorified religion can function on three levels of human personality: the intellectual, the morontial, and the spiritual; upon the mind, in the evolving soul, and with the indwelling spirit.

Spirituality becomes at once the indicator of one’s nearness to God and the measure of one’s usefulness to fellow beings. Spirituality enhances the ability to discover beauty in things, recognize truth in meanings, and discover goodness in values. Spiritual development is determined by capacity therefor and is directly proportional to the elimination of the selfish qualities of love.

Actual spiritual status is the measure of Deity attainment, Adjuster attunement. The achievement of finality of spirituality is equivalent to the attainment of the maximum of reality, the maximum of Godlikeness. Eternal life is the endless quest for infinite values.

The goal of human self-realization should be spiritual, not material. The only realities worth striving for are divine, spiritual, and eternal. Mortal man is entitled to the enjoyment of physical pleasures and to the satisfaction of human affections; he is benefited by loyalty to human associations and temporal institutions; but these are not the eternal foundations upon which to build the immortal personality which must transcend space, vanquish time, and achieve the eternal destiny of divine perfection and finaliter service.

When the flood tides of human adversity, selfishness, cruelty, hate, malice, and jealousy beat about the mortal soul, you may rest in the assurance that there is one inner bastion, the citadel of the spirit, which is absolutely unassailable; at least this is true of every human being who has dedicated the keeping of his soul to the indwelling spirit of the eternal God.

After such spiritual attainment, whether secured by gradual growth or specific crisis, there occurs a new orientation of personality as well as the development of a new standard of values.

Such spirit-born individuals are so remotivated in life that they can calmly stand by while their fondest ambitions perish and their keenest hopes crash; they positively know that such catastrophes are but the redirecting cataclysms which wreck one’s temporal creations preliminary to the rearing of the more noble and enduring realities of a new and more sublime level of universe attainment.

Transformation by the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Christ Michael and the Sons of Paradise

“‘By the old way you seek to suppress, obey, and conform to the rules of living; by the new way you are first transformed by the Spirit of Truth and thereby strengthened in your inner soul by the constant spiritual renewing of your mind, and so are you endowed with the power of the certain and joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and perfect will of God.

Forget not—it is your personal faith in the exceedingly great and precious promises of God that ensures your becoming partakers of the divine nature.

Thus by your faith and the spirit’s transformation, you become in reality the temples of God, and his spirit actually dwells within you. If, then, the spirit dwells within you, you are no longer bondslaves of the flesh but free and liberated sons of the spirit.

The new law of the spirit endows you with the liberty of self-mastery in place of the old law of the fear of self-bondage and the slavery of self-denial.’”

The sure guidance of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael.

“Having started out on the way of life everlasting, having accepted the assignment and received your orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, ‘This is the way.'

These are the ten foundational fruits of the spirit-led life

Living a life in Adjuster Attunement with God Individualized in you; actively working to fulfill God's Will of perfecting thyself through the Atonement and Personality Character Contriteness .. all leading into Greater Accountability and Acceptance; Accountability and Awareness; Accountability, Appreciation, Acknowledgement, and Divine Deliverance of your temporary mortal nature, character, and identity unto the immortalizing Impulse of Divinity.

The Ten Foundational Fruits of the Spirit-led Life:

1. Stability: the state of being stable. synonyms: firmness, solidity, steadiness, strength, security, safety.

2. Safety: the condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or loss.

3. Certainty: firm conviction that something is the case. "she knew with absolute certainty that they were dead" confidence, sureness, positiveness, conviction, certitude, reliability, assuredness, assurance, validity, conclusiveness, authoritativeness, truth, fact, factualness

4. Security: the quality or state of being secure: such as freedom from danger : safety freedom from fear or anxiety

5. Simplicity: the quality or condition of being easy to understand or do. "for the sake of simplicity, this chapter will concentrate upon one theory" clarity, clearness, plainness, simpleness, intelligibility, comprehensibility, understandability, lucidity, lucidness, coherence, directness, straightforwardness, accessibility.

6. Serenity: the state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil; sereneness.

7. Spontaneity: coming or resulting from a natural impulse or tendency; without effort or premeditation; natural and unconstrained; unplanned: (of a person) given to acting upon sudden impulses. (of natural phenomena) arising from internal forces or causes;independent of external agencies; self-acting. growing naturally or without cultivation, as plants and fruits; indigenous. Produced by natural process.

8. Stewardship: Service as the earth’s planetary stewards and caretakers of the kingdoms of life upon Urantia

9. Sovereignty: the quality or state of being sovereign, or of having supreme power or authority. the status, dominion, power, or authority of a sovereign;royal rank or position; royalty. supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community. rightful status, independence, or prerogative. a sovereign or independent state, community, or political unit.

10. Supremacy: totality and wholeness in God the Supreme.

Write to our Office of First Contact. 

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Majesty of Love

The Universal Father never imposes any form of arbitrary recognition, formal worship, or slavish service upon the intelligent will creatures of the universes. 

The evolutionary inhabitants of the worlds of time and space must of themselves—in their own hearts—recognize, love, and voluntarily worship him. 

The Creator refuses to coerce or compel the submission of the spiritual free wills of his material creatures. 

The affectionate dedication of the human will to the doing of the Father’s will is man’s choicest gift to God; in fact, such a consecration of creature will constitutes man’s only possible gift of true value to the Paradise Father. 

In God, man lives, moves, and has his being; there is nothing which man can give to God except this choosing to abide by the Father’s will, and such decisions, effected by the intelligent will creatures of the universes, constitute the reality of that true worship which is so satisfying to the love-dominated nature of the Creator Father.

When you have once become truly God-conscious, after you really discover the majestic Creator and begin to experience the realization of the indwelling presence of the divine controller, then, in accordance with your enlightenment and in accordance with the manner and method by which the divine Sons reveal God, you will find a name for the Universal Father which will be adequately expressive of your concept of the First Great Source and Center. 

And so, on different worlds and in various universes, the Creator becomes known by numerous appellations, in spirit of relationship all meaning the same but, in words and symbols, each name standing for the degree, the depth, of his enthronement in the hearts of his creatures of any given realm.

The Planetary Urantia

Monday, June 5, 2023


Throughout the universe, every unit is regarded as a part of the whole. Survival of the part is dependent on co-operation with the plan and purpose of the whole, the wholehearted desire and perfect willingness to do the Father’s divine will. 

The only evolutionary world without error (the possibility of unwise judgment) would be a world without free intelligence. 

In the Havona universe there are a billion perfect worlds with their perfect inhabitants, but evolving man must be fallible if he is to be free. Free and inexperienced intelligence cannot possibly at first be uniformly wise. The possibility of mistaken judgment (evil) becomes sin only when the human will consciously endorses and knowingly embraces a deliberate immoral judgment.

3:5.16 (52.2) The full appreciation of truth, beauty, and goodness is inherent in the perfection of the divine universe. The inhabitants of the Havona worlds do not require the potential of relative value levels as a choice stimulus; such perfect beings are able to identify and choose the good in the absence of all contrastive and thought-compelling moral situations. But all such perfect beings are, in moral nature and spiritual status, what they are by virtue of the fact of existence. They have experientially earned advancement only within their inherent status. 

Mortal man earns even his status as an ascension candidate by his own faith and hope. Everything divine which the human mind grasps and the human soul acquires is an experiential attainment; it is a reality of personal experience and is therefore a unique possession in contrast to the inherent goodness and righteousness of the inerrant personalities of Havona.

The Planetary Urantia

Friday, June 2, 2023


Dignity .. Integrity .. Unity.

The Dignity of mindfulness urges and capacities and of character maturings occur through daily consistency of moral choices and the persevering constancy of conscientious spirit-led decisions.

The spirit of courage—the fidelity endowment—in personal beings, the basis of character acquirement and the intellectual root of moral stamina and spiritual bravery. 

When enlightened by facts and inspired by truth, this becomes the secret of the urge of evolutionary ascension by the channels of intelligent and conscientious self-direction.

Havona teems with the life of all phases of intelligent beings, who there seek to advance from lower to higher circuits in their efforts to attain higher levels of divinity realization and enlarged appreciation of supreme meanings, ultimate values, and absolute reality.

"Therefore settle in your philosophy now and forever: To each of you and to all of us, God is approachable, the Father is attainable, the way is open; the forces of divine love and the ways and means of divine administration are all interlocked in an effort to facilitate the advancement of every worthy intelligence of every universe to the Paradise presence of the Universal Father."

Michael of Nebadon

Planetary Urantia

Friday, May 26, 2023

The Ever-Widening Glory of God's Grace and Existence

Thou Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide City Fellows who aspire to touch the hem of Mine Robe of Glory .. the Everlasting Truth which ye shall partake of with Me .. they who are asserting their inalienable sovereign rights as a unique child of existence .. who are daily elevating themselves unto the higher uses of the given endowment of their faculties and powers for accelerating themselves unto the higher impulses and ennobling urges and eternalizing desires .. they who strive for the accomplishment of the ages in accessing in their mind and heart the greater understanding and the much sought after and needed discernment in order to maketh choices which grow themselves unto the heaven of heavens...

A great difference exists between the unwavering and imperishable personal creations of God aligned individuals who create within the harmony of Godly qualified attitudes and attributes .. and those humanly impulsed erroneously upheld misqualities of all attitudes and attributes and qualities and activities of disharmony put forth by the hand of short-sighted human mortal thought .. the personal creations of evil and iniquity which shall perish in the sight of the Ineffable Glory of the One Parenthood of God. 

I tell thee. . everything that cometh from out of the perishable and the imperfect shall perish .. for it comes from the imperfect perishable and the imperfect thought and mind of misalignment and misunderstanding. 

Yet do I say unto you .. whatsoever is brought forth from out of the more Perfect Imperishable and Unchangeable Reality of the Father shall never perish .. it shall be an inexhaustible sustenance unto you .. a nourishment lifting you unto spheres as yet unknown by your race .. it shall underpin you, support you, nourishing thine highest impulses .. all thine efforts for soul advancement unto the many indescribable worlds of light and life .. and these creations of thoughts and feelings shall become imperishable whilst raising you into our Universe Association.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Adonai My Universe Children

Adonai My Urantia children...

Glories in the One Parenthood of Life arise from faith brought forth as thine heart is becoming immersed in truthfulness, vulnerability, transparency, humility, and simplicity.

A childlike awe and wonder shall be cultivated by you as you allow the Father's Life to take precedence and priority in your life.

I Michael, am everpresent and always  surrounding you at all times in My Spirit Persona.

Verily .. fiercely with mercy and My protective countenance for all who I have brought forth into their existence .. I hold you in My embrace .. and I stand imminently available, accessible, approachable, to each one of My Universal fold.

Have ye known the Immaculate Light, beloveds?

Have ye ventured to disrupt the shell of thine mortal frame so that Light may enter you?

Have ye invited the Spirit Adjutants of the Infinity Mother to stir thine latent embers of mind, of will and urge, of heart?

Hath a wisdom broken throughout thee .. a vastness of intellect .. for all that happeneth unto thee to quicken thine embers of personality soul .. these ministrations do cometh from Me; for I am the One .. of Father Son in this our Universe .. who hath brought thee along from ever that moment of your inception. And I attend to the Vine of Life .. I feed My flock of children .. and I cause thee to reckon with thine evolutionary glance .. thine progressive ascendancy unto higher worlds and more majestic societies.

I overwatch thee. I tend to Mine own .. and for those who arise to enter our Eternity Engagement, I especially watch over and guide through the many planets and their administrative hosts of mercy, glory, and ineffable generosity.

Come unto Me thou child of the Universe of Nebadon .. engage Me, educate thine bearings, enlighten thine impulses, enlarge thine vision and meanings, eternalize thine personality maneuverings, envelop thyself in the Adjuster Life of the Universal Father.

My Planetary Administrators are those who have given thee their efforts, their lives, their concentrations. They administer unto thee direction and impulse so that you art found to be worthy for Eternity .. emptied of iniquitous meanderings, and filled full with the Glory of God himself who lives in thee striving to maketh of thee those men and women of Everlasting Repose and Repoire, and Reception.

Goodly strivings art upon thee. Works of Infinity art entering thine world domain necessary to reformate all values, rescuscitate all vestments of the mind, make virtuous and receptive unto Life thine heart's cravings for Objectivity and Awareness, Unconditional Love and Advancement.

I sayeth, goodly works are infiltrating thine mortality; that you are to becometh matured by nurturing the highest in thee .. that ye shall be ripened .. Spirit Ripened and made Ready for transformation.

Long have I watched over you awaiting moments wherein the Mother Spirit and the Planetary Host could penetrate the veils of your vexations. Long have we stood awatching. Ever have we primed thee into righteousness and reflectivities divine. And now cometh a millennium wherein these fosterings shall send quakes and shivers upon thine spine .. readying you for blossoming.

Long have I hungered to make manifest mine Persona Universal unto thee .. to enter thine regions of evolutionary development, and to showeth thee My Persona; that we might arise upon the Angels of Glory who come with Me as great legions of compassionate acceptance and merciful forgiveness. Long have I awaited .. ever have I sought to come more intimately to My children that ye ahall knoweth the goodness, truth, and immense beauties that abound throughout our Universe Home.

I am Michael of the Father Son and Spirit. God the Sevenfold am I as we reach unto thee in patience and tenderness unfathomable for you to behold.

Michael Of Nebadon

Salvington New School

Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia

Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia Campus

Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia Colleges

Urantia Planetary Prince Worldwide Isles of Light and Life

Urantia Planetary Prince Villages of Personality Training and Soul Advancement

Upon the Sea Of Glass Amphitheatrum Worldwide Activities

The Planetary Headquarters School and its Planetary Isles of Light and Life; these Isles of Living Truth are the Schools of Illumination and Advancement of the Planetary Prince, and they are primarily concerned with philosophy, religion, morals, and the higher intellectual and artistic achievements.

The garden schools of Adam and Eve are usually devoted to practical arts, fundamental intellectual training, social culture, economic development, trade relations, physical efficiency, and civil government. 

Eventually these world centers amalgamate, but this actual affiliation sometimes does not occur until the times of the first Magisterial Son.

On most of the inhabited worlds the Gardens of Eden remain as superb cultural centers and continue to function as the social patterns of planetary conduct and usage age after age. 

Even in early times when the violet peoples are relatively segregated, their schools receive suitable candidates from among the world races, while the industrial developments of the garden open up new channels of commercial intercourse. 

Thus do the Adams and Eves and their progeny contribute to the sudden expansion of culture and to the rapid improvement of the evolutionary races of their worlds. 

And all of these relationships are augmented and sealed by the amalgamation of the evolutionary races and the sons of Adam, resulting in the immediate upstepping of biologic status, the quickening of intellectual potential, and the enhancement of spiritual receptivity.

On normal worlds the garden headquarters of the violet race becomes the second center of world culture and, jointly with the headquarters city of the Planetary Prince, sets the pace for the development of civilization. 

For centuries the city headquarters schools of the Planetary Prince and the garden schools of Adam and Eve are contemporary. They are usually not very far apart, and they work together in harmonious co-operation.

A world center of civilization, a great planetary university of culture; celestial ministry whose traditions would exert a cumulative force of 500,000 years of integrated evolutionary influence. It is a custom which eventually spreads the ideals of Eden to a whole world. 
From such a world center of culture and achievement there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races. 

Meantime the educated and spiritualized children of the surrounding peoples who have been adopted and trained in the prince’s schools are returning to their native groups and, to the best of their ability, are there establishing new and potent centers of learning and culture which they carry on according to the plan of the prince’s schools.

The Sovereign of Nebadon and His Planetary Initiatives for all Urantia Kingdoms begin to . . .  

On Urantia these plans for planetary progress and cultural advancement were well under way, proceeding most satisfactorily in advancing the world culture towards . . . 

Enter the world civilization into the righteous understanding of individual sovereign inalienable rights and endowments regarding their Universe Association and Spiritual Relationship with Michael and the Universe Mother Spirit

Enlighten the civilization regarding the personal relationship of the Universe Mother Spirit and the Universe Father Son with each individual personality in the Universe of Nebadon.

Enlarge all conceptualizations of Deity, Divinity, and Reality, and the way to become engaged with the Great Circuitry of the One Deity.

Experientialize and Actualize the Progressive Ascendancy of Mortal Personhood in the Way of God Authority, the Truth of Personality Authorship, and the Life of the Plan of Progressive Ascendancy in our Universe.

Enliven and Advance the Understandings of Truth, Love, and Eternal Vision by strengthening a comprehension of the individual's faculties, capacities, character, powers, and personal consciousness in relationship with the Great Circuitry of God.

Eternalize the Individual Progressive Unfolding of all Mortal Vestments of Capacity, Values of Personality Achievement, Personality Soul Virtues, Visionary Collaboration of each Individual, Verities of Authorship, and the Seventh Master Spirit Volitions of Attitudes of Ascendancy and Attributes of Ascendancy.

Evolutionize Eternal Verities, Volitional Attitudes of Mind and Will and Personhood in order to begin the unfolding drama from the planetary levels of evolution which is as the pond of the universe into the Great Streams and Rivers, and the Ocean of Socialization and Personhood Ascendancy.

Ennoble and Develop Personality Soul Perspectives and Perceptions, and those necessary Cosmic Achievements of Personality in embodying all values, virtues, and vision of Eternity.

Enhance Spiritual Perceptions and Engraven Truth Discernment in the Acceleration of each Mortal Personality Soul towards their God Fusion and Universe Career and Fulfillment.

Expand Universal Consciousness and Mature Cosmic Awareness in the duty and allegiance with God the Supreme and His Kingdom of Heaven.

The planetary civilization and its kingdoms of life giving birth to a new age of religion - a religious spirituality of conscious reciprocal spiritual relations with the Living Intelligence Circuits of Infinite Triune Deity

Religion based on personal spiritual relations with the Universal Father and wholly validated by the supreme authority of genuine personal experience

The religion of Michael unifies the Fatherhood of God with the brotherhood of the sons of God. The growth of our sacred personal relationship with the Father leads directly to the spiritual civilization of the sons of the Father. There can be no higher personal and social ideal

The religion of Michael is the religion of light and life which is realized first personally, then socially, and finally globally the kingdom in its fullness

Governor Trustees
Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia
University Of Salvington
University Of Nebadon
Copyright© 2022 Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Charitable Trust

The Gales of Eternity Arriveth

The 21st century times hold a whirlwind of change that beggareth your intellect for a response, yet ever shall I sayeth unto you, I say the gale hath meaning, it produceth a transformation as you receive it with an embrace; it cleareth the stubble for mansions of splendor, it openeth the caverns that pour out their riches, it establishes the righteous in pastures of God's Glory. 

Have I not said ye live in a whirlwind that beckons thee toward a transmutation? Can the gale do a damage to that which is its essence? Doth it not purge that thine potentialities of goodness may spring up? That beauty urges thee inward? Hath it not vigilance that thine nature be cleanly? That truth plant its seed within the comfort of thine fertilities?

I say again, beloved, that ye are that whirlwind; ye partake of its essence; ye do sweep and have power; ye do speak and it ceaseth. That whirlwind is an everlasting yearning for life to emerge; in its essence it is a demanding force ready to be set free by your holy commands.

Thus the world greeteth a peaceful calm beyond all understandings. Ye findeth thine place amongst the firmament of the heaven of heavens.

Christ Michael

Salvington Triune Campus

The Triune Virtual Campus at Salvington offers each receptively sincere seeker three options to enhance their Oversoul Personhoo...